I'm trying to enable SSL for only certain actions on my CakePHP based website. I'm doing this using requireSecure() and redirecting to https://url in the corresponding blackHoleCallback().
To keep the server load down, I'd like to redirect back to http://whatever_url once the user is done with the action that requires SSL.
How do I do this?
Make sure to use a cookie that requires a secure connection for the secure pages, and a normal cookie for non secure pages. This way, if someone captures the non secure cookie, they won't be able to hijack any sensitive information.
So this is one solution I've come upon. I add the following snippet to
:The function is defined as:
what I don't like with the redirect approach is that the user still goes to the unsecure url and only after this he is redirected.
I wanted something done at the html->link/url level where depending on what you pass a ssl/non-ssl link is returned, something similar with: http://cakephp.1045679.n5.nabble.com/Re-Login-through-HTTPS-on-CakePHP-td1257438.html but also using the secure component
later edit, I did something easier that just did my job done, I try to create a simple example (don't forget to define MYAPP_SECURE_URL in config/core.php or bootstrap.php): in app I created app_helper.php: