I am trying to remove the splash screen completely in the phonegap application for both ios and android. The navigator.hide()
function works only after the loading of html page, but i need to remove the splash screen even before that. Please let me know is there any option available for doing this.
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Cordova 1.6.0
– thenavigator.splashscreen
interface has been removed pending cross-platform support. Now You can use :I found it Here : iOS PhoneGap / Cordova – Splash screen control
If you want some other Reference then check PhoneGap Android SplashScreen Just Got Better in the Link.
You can also go through this Google Discussion.
Hope it will be helpful to you.
Hope it will help someone:
Using PhoneGap 2.6.0, what I did is just commenting the:
line in the PhoneGap's config.xml file (usually located at iOS project root)
Check out this post
copying the accepted answer for quick reference:
On iOS you should be able to call
Support for doing this in Android is available since 1.8.0.