I try to switch from Grunt to Gulp and I have an issue:
I read two streams from two files
var fileStream = gulp.src(file);
var injectionStream = gulp.src(injection)
.pipe(replace('#class-name#', argv.cname));
If my console argument "--remove" is absent I have no problem to concatenate these streams
However when '--remove' is true I want to delete injection, in other words, subtract injectionStream from fileStream.
I tried:
var es = require('event-stream');
var replace = require('gulp-replace');
It works with strings, but I cannot succeed with streams read from files. Can anybody give me a small hint?
And maybe it is an incorrect tool for generation task and I should stay with Grunt and\or other tools like yo,etc?
Thank you for your time!
I finally found the solution!
It took a while, but I AM HAPPY it's over.
Thank you
Nice work :) Looks like gulp-replace might be an easier way for folk coming here from google..