I want to convert the data in a wire to an integer. For example:
wire [2:0] w = 3'b101;
I want a method that converts this to '5' and stores it in an integer. How can I do that in a better way than this:
for(i=0; i<=2; i=i+1)
Also, how do I convert it back to binary once I have the value in an integer? This seems a clumsy way. Thank you.
Easy! Conversion is automatic in verilog if you assign to an integer. In verilog, all the data types are just collection on bits.
As Marty said : conversion between bit vectors and integers is automatic. But there are a number of pitfalls. They are obvious if you keep in mind that an integer is a 32 bit signed value.
I don't know why you want to convert to an integer and back. I just want to point out that arithmetic operations are fully supported on signed and unsigned bit vectors. In fact they are more powerful as there is no 32-bit limit:
Also using a vector as index is supported: