I have an sql column that is a string of 100 'Y' or 'N' characters. For example:
What is the easiest way to get the count of all 'Y' symbols in each row.
I have an sql column that is a string of 100 'Y' or 'N' characters. For example:
What is the easiest way to get the count of all 'Y' symbols in each row.
try this
You can also Try This
select len(name)- len(replace(name,'a','')) from TESTING
select len('YYNYNYYNNNYYNY')- len(replace('YYNYNYYNNNYYNY','y',''))
The second answer provided by nickf is very clever. However, it only works for a character length of the target sub-string of 1 and ignores spaces. Specifically, there were two leading spaces in my data, which SQL helpfully removes (I didn't know this) when all the characters on the right-hand-side are removed. Which meant that
" John Smith"
generated 12 using Nickf's method, whereas:
" Joe Bloggs, John Smith"
generated 10, and
" Joe Bloggs, John Smith, John Smith"
Generated 20.
I've therefore modified the solution slightly to the following, which works for me:
I'm sure someone can think of a better way of doing it!
The easiest way is by using Oracle function:
This snippet works in the specific situation where you have a boolean: it answers "how many non-Ns are there?".
If, in a different situation, you were actually trying to count the occurrences of a certain character (for example 'Y') in any given string, use this: