How do I pass my variable from joomla sub-controller to the view according to this example
class MYControllerControllerParser extends JController{
public function __construct($default = array()) {
protected function _import($file, $type) {
$layout = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'importcsv':
$contains_headers = false;
$field_separator = JRequest::getVar('separator');
$field_separator = empty($field_separator) ? ',' : $field_separator;
$field_enclosure = JRequest::getVar('enclosure');;
$field_enclosure = empty($field_enclosure) ? '"' : $field_enclosure;
//this variable should be passed to the view
$this->info = $this->getImportInfoCSV($file, contains_headers, $field_separator, $field_enclosure);
//This variable should go to view
$this->file = basename($file);
$layout = 'importcsv';
In Controller:
In View: