Whenever we specify priority
and dependsOnMethods
on a @Test
annotated method, the order of execution of test methods is not according to the priority. why is so?
Here is the test class to demonstrate the issue:
package unitTest.TestNGTestCases;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestNGTest1 {
public void t1()
System.out.println("Running 1");
public void t2()
System.out.println("Running 2");
public void t3()
System.out.println("Running 3");
public void t4()
System.out.println("Running 4");
Actual Output :
Running 1
Running 4
Running 2
Running 3
All Tests Suite
Total tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
Expected output :
Running 1
Running 2
Running 3
Running 4
All Tests Suite
Total tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
The order of test execution should have been t1, t2, t3, t4. why is t4 getting executed after t1, when t2 and t3 have higher priority then t4?
All independent methods (that do not have @dependsOnMethods dependency) will be executed first. Then methods with dependency will be executed. If there is ambiguity in execution order even after this ordering, priority comes into picture.
This is the ordering scheme:
Now all ambiguity is resolved since no two methods can have the same name.
I've encountered the same problem today.
At first, I was using only
for my tests, but then I needed to adddependsOnMethods
as well.Initially i've added the
only to some of my@Test
methods. As a result the execution order of my tests has scrambled.I've read a lot of articles and discussions related to this topic and it turned out, that the using of
attributes togeter brings a lot of uncertainty into the whole picture and the behaviour of TestNG will never be predictable and well defined in this situation.My solution was to add the
to ALL of my test methods, while I kept thepriority
also for ALL of the mehtods. Now their execution order is back to normal and at the same time I benefit from the capabilities of thedependsOnMethods
. i.e. The first failing test method in the chain, causes all subsequent test methods to be skipped and show correct in the reports.Here is fragment from my tests class:
Hope this helps.
Regards, Veselin Petrov