I run this code on Windows cmd.exe in Europe and I use local settings here, for my language. So I use diacritics in names of the directories.
I try to list names of the directories and they are displayed correctly. Then I save them into file, but when I open it in notepad, the diacritics is not readable: for example, instead of Střední Čechy
I have Stýednˇ ¬echy
What did I do wrong and how can I correct it?
@echo off
del directories.conf
FOR /F "delims=!" %%R IN ('dir * /b /a:d /o:n') DO (
IF EXIST "%%R\scenery" (
echo %%R
echo %%R >> directories.conf
Echo Directory list created...
As an alternative solution (if the file is already generated) you can just re-encode your file.
Notepad++ has this feature:
Try starting cmd.exe with /u switch. That will cause cmd to write in UTF-16.
Also you need to switch to code page 1250 (ANSI for Central Europe) using
chcp 1250
.You can do it inside your batch script. I made one for you. The structure is:
And the script:
Also I recommend you to read andrewdotn's great answer to a related question.