I have a ASP.NET 5 website with 3 subprojects. The subprojects have a reference to EF 6.1. Locally everything works fine, but when I try to deploy the website to azure using the assistant, I get the error message
Dependency EntityFramework >= 6.1.3 could not be resolved in XXX\wrap\PDWeb.Application\project.json 22
The generated project.json of the PDWeb.Application subproject is
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"frameworks": {
"net452": {
"wrappedProject": "../../Application/PDWeb.Application/PDWeb.Application.csproj",
"bin": {
"assembly": "../../Application/PDWeb.Application/obj/{configuration}/PDWeb.Application.dll",
"pdb": "../../Application/PDWeb.Application/obj/{configuration}/PDWeb.Application.pdb"
"dependencies": {
"PDWeb.Model": "1.0.0-*"
"net45": {
"wrappedProject": "../../src/Application/PDWeb.Application/PDWeb.Application.csproj",
"bin": {
"assembly": "../../src/Application/PDWeb.Application/obj/{configuration}/PDWeb.Application.dll",
"pdb": "../../src/Application/PDWeb.Application/obj/{configuration}/PDWeb.Application.pdb"
"dependencies": {
"PDWeb.Model": "1.0.0-*",
"EntityFramework": "6.1.3",
"PDWeb.Services": "1.0.0-*"
The complete build output can be found here
I solved the problem by converting my subprojects to *.xproj...
I had exactly the same issue, when I tried to publish my dnx project. I run "dnu restore" in every subfolder into the wrap folder and the problem was solved.
In your solution folder is a wrap folder. In this folder are subfolders with project.json files. Open command prompt, go to every subfolder and execute "dnu restore"