This seems to go against every design guideline. A static method that accepts a single argument of type T should usually just be a member method.
It's so bizzare I actually had to post a StackOverflow question to understand IsUpper exists (as it didn't show up in auto-completion)
I understand my earlier statement needs a little explaining. An example of a good design is String.ToLower(). Instead of it being prototyped as static void ToLower(String foo), it is a member method. It's pretty obvious (to me at least) that the same should hold for char.IsLower().
In my point of view, it does make sense.
There are many static methods which accept single argument. It would not be so nice to calculate a square root using something like this:
This would decrease "Cohesion" in term of OO design which is not a good practice. It will be more nice to separate this responsibility to the
class.Instance methods on structures are not thread safe. Static methods on the other hand are.
Static methods receive a copy of the structure, instance methods a managed pointer. Accessing data through a pointer is not a tread safe operation and can easily lead to race conditions.
That's why most methods on structures/primitives are static and not instance.
Se here a similar question.
Why IsNan is a static method on the Double class instead of an instance property ?
See also this question.
The short version - The initial IDE had trouble coming up with intellisense when invoked from a string literal (and I'm assuming char literals too). So the designers made the methods static to get around this problem.
REEDIT: I had a little rant here about the .NET designers bowing to pressure from IDE designers. But having seen Pop's answer to this question I'm less sure about this now.
EDIT2: Tim in the comments asked if we knew this to be true, or is it just a guess. I couldn't find an exact reference to this issue but I found an article from 2002 talking about an intellisense bug in a string literal. It's about halfway down this page.