How do I connect to a private network from ethereum wallet? I was able to create a private network from geth command line using custom genesis file but now wanted my ethereum wallet to point to custom genesis file of the private network.Currently I am able to point my etherem wallet to either the mainnet or testnet but not private network.
I did find the following instructions on github mist browser Readme file but haven't been able to make much progress
To run a privatenet you need to have geth installed separately and run it with the ipcpath flag: $ geth --networkid 1234 --ipcpath /Users/you/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --datadir ...
You need to download geth and Ethereum mist wallet , and install them.
Then go to the folder where you want to start the blockchain and follow these steps:
command prompt
hereStart another
command prompt
hereStart Ethereum Wallet. Make sure it opens in private network
for Mining
You can get a video tutorial for the same here.
Hope it helps you!
On your terminal.
$ geth --networkid "1234" --datadir "/some/other/path" --ipcpath "/Users/<username>/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc" console
Reopen your Ethereum Wallet.
See: Ethereum Wallet – Developer Preview
If your want to reconnect to mainnet or testnet. Just type this "
$ geth console
" in your terminal.