There must be a generic way to transform some hierachical XML such as:
<element1 A="AValue" B="BValue">
<element2 C="DValue" D="CValue">
<element3 E="EValue1" F="FValue1"/>
<element3 E="EValue2" F="FValue2"/>
into the flattened XML (html) picking up selected attributes along the way and providing different labels for the attributes that become column headers.
OK, so there's not generic solution due to the attribute re-labelling but you get what I mean hopefully. I've just started on all the XSLT/XPATH stuff so I'll work it out in good time but any clues would be useful.
I'm not 100% sure of what you are trying to do but this solution may work if your element1, element2 and element3 are nested consistently.
We already have a Pro*C program reading from an Oracle database, it calls a perl script which in turn executes some Java to extract data in XML format from the aforementioned database for calling a batch file to execute some vbscript FTPing the file to some other server. I was really hoping for something in Fortran.
I have used an expanded version of the template below to flatten structured XML. Warning: There was some case-specific code in the original version (it actually turned the XML into CSV) that I just stripped and I didn't test this version.
The basic way it works should be clear: it prints everything that doesn't have node children and otherwise recursively calls the template on the node() that does have children. I don't think it handles attributes and comments correctly as it is now, but that should not be hard to fix.
I needed a similar XSLT but with unknown depth, here is how I did it.
First, add a wrapper for the resulting HTML table/def list and call the template mode="puke" to flatten our XML tree :
Here we match each node to display its content (e.g. text()) and its attributes. We do this recursively. I used dl/dt/dd because my source tree was a complex tree that can't be flatten as a .
Match attribute of a given node and display them.
The CSS use in to format the resulting HTML :
The original question needs to be clarified:
In XSLT it is possible to write very generic transformers but it is often much easier to write a stylesheet to transform a document when you can take any known restrictions into account.