Is there any standard method in java to convert IBM 370(in the form of bytes) to IEEE format.?Any algorithm for the conversion would help..
I tried writing a java code..But i fail to understand where do i go wrong. When i give the input as -2.000000000000000E+02, i'm getting the value as -140.0 in IEEE format. and in othercase when i give the input as 3.140000000000000E+00 i'm getting the value as 3.1712502374909226 in IEEE format Any help on this would be highly appreciated
private void conversion() {
byte[] buffer = //bytes to be read(8 bytes);
int sign = (buffer[0] & 0x80);
// Extract exponent.
int exp = ((buffer[0] & 0x7f) - 64) * 4 - 1;
//Normalize the mantissa.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {//since 4 bits per hex digit
if ((buffer[1] & 0x80) == 0) {
buffer = leftShift(buffer);
exp = exp - 1;
// Put sign and mantissa back in 8-byte number
buffer = rightShift(buffer);// make room for longer exponent
buffer = rightShift(buffer);
buffer = rightShift(buffer);
exp = exp + 1023;//Excess 1023 format
int temp = exp & 0x0f;//Low 4 bits go into B(1)
buffer[1]= (byte)((buffer[1]&0xf) | (temp *16));
buffer[0]= (byte)(sign | ((exp/16) & 0x7f));
private byte[] rightShift(byte[] buf) {
int newCarry = 0;
int oldCarry = 0;
for(int i = 1; i<buf.length; i++) {
newCarry = buf[i] & 1;
buf[i] = (byte)((buf[i] & 0xFE)/2 + (oldCarry != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
oldCarry = newCarry;
return buf;
private byte[] leftShift(byte[] buf) {
int newCarry = 0;
int oldCarry = 0;
for(int i = buf.length-1; i>0; i--) {
newCarry = buf[i] & 1;
buf[i] = (byte)((buf[i] & 0x7F)*2 + (oldCarry != 0 ? 1 : 0));
oldCarry = newCarry;
return buf;
I can see a couple different solutions to your question:
This IBM Technical Article includes algorithms for converting from IBM floating point formats to IEE floating point.