I have implemented the bottom navigation view in my app and I have looked every where to display badges on top of the icons like this I was wondering whether this is even possible to implement. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
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As @zxbin answer. you can check BadgeView and try below code
source from my gist
Using support library BottomNavigationView is difficult. An easy solution is using external components. One easy to handle is: https://github.com/roughike/BottomBar Checking its documentation it's as easy as:
You can try this way:
Put a TextView inside the BottomNavigationView for counting (BottomNavigationView is a FrameLayout):
And style them like this:
And bottom_menu_selections_number_bg:
Using the same idea as @Tinashe, here is the essential part for implementing in Xamarin.Android.
For a full explanation visit: Android BottomNavigationView with Badge
When using support library Bottom Navigation bar, its quite complex to show a badge/notification on menu items. However there are easy solutions to get it done. Such as https://github.com/aurelhubert/ahbottomnavigation
This library is more advanced version of Bottom Navigation bar. And you can set a badge on menu item simply using this code snippet.
And you'll get following result
If you just want to use a stock
and no third party lib here's how I've done it:Then here's the layout file:
Then just find
by id and set text.@drawable/notification_badge
is just a circle shape drawable