My Situation: I love e editor, however I'm on a new computer and my license is being used on my old one. I can't exactly afford another license, so I'm looking for a free editor that meets the follow criteria:
- Decent syntax highlighting
- Ability to view a directory and its contents on the side panel, without the need to create it as a 'project' (Very Important)
- Easily themable (I like dark themes)
- Tabs
Also would be nice:
- S/FTP support
- Code snippets/bundles
- Multi-line editing
And is not (Simply listed because they're common suggestions, but I've tried and not found them to meet my criteria):
- Vim/Emacs
- Notepad++
- Crimson/Emerald Editor
- Programmer's Notepad
- Wordpad/Notepad :P
Thanks. Oh, and as a reference, here's a picture of my current setup: Link
Edit: Thanks all to those who suggested. All 3 (JEdit, Cream, and PsPad) are solid candidates for anyone looking at this thread.
You also might want to take a look at EditPlus.
You may scoff at this, but Cream is a very un-Vimlike offshoot of Vim. Here is an article written specifically for Textmate (and e) fans who want to try it.
Pick your poison here:
There's no need to buy another license!
The e text editor license is per user not per machine. So, you don't need to buy another license to use it on a different machine, just copy the license.
I would like to recommand Gedit. There was Windows version.
I haven't ever used Mac but I think Textmate must be the best text editor. When I'm on Windows, I really like e-Text editor. But later, I have to move on to Linux(Ubuntu) for an requirement. I searched for Textmate/e-Text editor like text editor for Linux.
I found out, Gedit is not a bad one. Here is my Gedit...
By your requirement, Gedit already have a decent syntax highlighting and Tab. Didn't have Project pane but Document List and File Browser combination is not bad, I think.
Easily themable? Gedit haven't many ready made themes. But you can easily create your own themes by creating xml color schemes base on default themes (In ubuntu 8.04, default themes directory is /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/styles).
As for me, Embedded terminal, Word completion and Code snippets are also important. Gedit have plenty of useful plugins for those feature.
There were many customization tutorial for Gedit. You may need to spent your time on customization. :)