My goal is to have some kind of long lived access token so that my Android app can read the events of a user's Google Calendar for the day without requiring user approval every time.
I am able to generate -- what I think is -- a one-time authorization code; however, when I send this to my server side, app engine, I get the following error response:
400 OK
"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Code was already redeemed."
That is the exception that is being thrown. I'm just catching it and sending it back to myself as a way of debugging.
The one-time code I get starts with 4/VUr so I assume it is a one-time code and not a regular access token.
Currently, on Android, I allow a user to sign in using Google+ so that I have their email address. From there I request a one-time authorization code with the following code:
try {
Bundle appActivities = new Bundle();
appActivities.putString(GoogleAuthUtil.KEY_REQUEST_VISIBLE_ACTIVITIES, "");
String scopes = "oauth2:server:client_id:" + Constants.SERVER_CLIENT_ID + ":api_scope:";
String acctName = "myGmail";
String token = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(getApplicationContext(), acctName, scopes, appActivities);
} catch (UserRecoverableAuthException e) {
startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), 257/*REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION/*/);
} catch (Exception e) {
This code is from here and it seems that this is what I must do.
I then send this code to my App Engine Endpoint. I use code from here to request a access and refresh token.
The following is the code that I use as a simple test:
HttpTransport transport = new NetHttpTransport();
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
//ArrayList<String> scopes = new ArrayList<>();
GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(transport, jsonFactory,
SERVER_CLIENT_ID, SERVER_CLIENT_SECRET, code, "postmessage")/*.setScopes(scopes)*/.execute();
code = tokenResponse.getRefreshToken();
It is failing right when I instantiate GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest
To name a few I have seen
Google-api-php Refresh Token returns invalid_grant
getting Google oauth authorization token from Android- return with invalid_scope/ Unknown error
Setting the redirect uri differently did not work. I did fill out the consent screen for my app engine project. Both installed Android client id and web application client id are in the same project. I have the redirect uri for the web application set to for my app.
Gradle for my main app:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
// compile ''
compile ''
compile 'org.altbeacon:android-beacon-library:2.1.3'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile project(path: ':beaconBackend', configuration: 'android-endpoints')
Gradle for my backend:
dependencies {
appengineSdk ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5'
Any help would really be appreciated! Thanks!
Also, note that I have tried invalidating/revoking the current access token (or one-time code?).
I just need a way to have some kind of long living access token without user interaction after the first time.
It's been a while since I worked on this project -- it was no longer needed.
The problem was within the server side app. I just wasn't requesting it correctly. Once my server side app (App Engine Endpoint) received the refresh token from the Android app I did the following on the server side.