I am trying to implement DI using Autofac IOC in Azure function. I need to build the container, but not sure where to put the code to build the container
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I did write a blog entry for doing dependency injection with Autofac in Azure Functions. Have a look here: Azure Function Dependency Injection with AutoFac: Autofac on Functions
It follows a similar approach like the one by Boris Wilhelms. Another implementation based on Boris' approach can be found on github: autofac dependency injection
-- update ---
With Azure Function v2 it is possible to create nuget packages based on .net standard. Have a look onto Azure Functions Dependency Injection with Autofac: Autofac on Functions nuget Package
Azure Functions doesn't support dependency injection yet. Follow this issue for the feature request https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions/issues/299
You can do it using a custom [inject] attribute. See example here https://blog.wille-zone.de/post/azure-functions-proper-dependency-injection/
I think for now you would need to do something ugly like:
While Azure Functions does not support DI out of the box, it is possible to add this via the new Extension API. You can register the container using an IExtensionConfigProvider implementation. You can find a full example DI solution in Azure here https://blog.wille-zone.de/post/azure-functions-proper-dependency-injection/.