Just starting out with Phantom.js after installing via Homebrew on my mac.
I'm trying out the examples to save screenshots of websites via https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/wiki/Quick-Start
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://google.com', function () {
But I don't see the images anywhere. Will they be in the same directory as the .js file?
I'm not sure if something has changed, but the example on http://phantomjs.org/screen-capture.html worked fine for me:
I am running phantomjs-2.1.1-windows.
However, what led me to this thread was initially the image file was never getting created on my disk just like the original question. I figured it was some kind of security issues so I logged into a VM and started by putting everything in the same directory. I was using a batch file to kick off phantomjs.exe with my .js file passed in as a parameter. With all of the files in the same directory on my VM, it worked great. Through trial and error, I found that my batch file had to be in the same directory as my .js file. Now all is well on my host machine as well.
So in summary...it was probably a security related problem for me. No need for adding any kind of timeout.
My answer to the original question would be IF you have everything set up correctly, the file will be in the same directory as the .js file that phantomjs.exe runs. I tried specifying a fully qualified path for the image file but that didn't seem to work.