How to embed an image in the HTML body of an email

2019-04-26 19:29发布

I'm trying to include an image in the body of an HTML email sent from an iPad. It seems impossible. I have tried to use the CID approach, but it seems that in iOS it is not possible to get/set the CID of attachments.

I've also tried to embed the image with src="data:image/png;base64, blahblahblah". When you compose the mail it seems to work, but nothing appears when the mail is received.

Any ideas?

More Detail: We are not looking for a solution where the JPEG/PNG is attached at the bottom of an email. That's easy to do with [composer addAttachmentData:mimeType:fileName:].

We are looking for a solution where the image is embedded inline in an HTML-formatted email. You could wrap a link around that IMG tag, so that when the recipient clicks the IMG, he/she will be linked out to the app's iTunes page.

2楼-- · 2019-04-26 19:39

Download the NSData+base64 category from github.

Then do the following:

NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:pathInDocumentDirectory(imagePath)];
NSString *base64String = [imageData base64EncodedString];
NSString *imageString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"data:image/png;base64,%@", base64String];

Finally, put the imageString in the HTML body where you want this image to appear.

Hope it helps!

3楼-- · 2019-04-26 19:40

To show image in gmail, you do:

MFMailComposeViewController *mailCont = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
    mailCont.mailComposeDelegate = self; 

    NSMutableString *emailBody = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:20];

    NSString *linkimg = @"";

    //Add the image
    [emailBody appendFormat:@"<p><a href = ''> <img src='%@' align='centre' alt=''> </a></p><br/>", linkimg];

    [emailBody appendString:@"<p>This is an email with an embeded image right <b>above</b> this text</p>"];


    [mailCont setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:YES];
    [self presentViewController:mailCont animated:YES completion:nil];
4楼-- · 2019-04-26 20:03

From iphone email attachment

MFMailComposeViewController *picker = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
picker.mailComposeDelegate = self;

[picker setSubject:@"Hello"];

// Set up recipients
NSArray *toRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@""]; 
NSArray *ccRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"",           @"", nil]; 
NSArray *bccRecipients = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@""]; 

[picker setToRecipients:toRecipients];
[picker setCcRecipients:ccRecipients];  
[picker setBccRecipients:bccRecipients];

// Attach an image to the email
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"rainy" ofType:@"png"];
NSData *myData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path];
[picker addAttachmentData:myData mimeType:@"image/png" fileName:@"rainy"];

// Fill out the email body text
NSString *emailBody = @"It is raining";
[picker setMessageBody:emailBody isHTML:NO];

[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
[picker release];  
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