I am using Storyboarding and I have a tab bar controller with five tabs. In the storyboard, I am able to set the image for the tab bar item. Apple docs suggest to have two icons for each tab bar item - one for selected and one for the unselected state.
I am not able to figure out how I can do this using storyboard.
I think that the easiest way is setting the image from the Inspector. you have a field called Bar Item -> Image, and it is in there where you have to set the image name. Watch out, not confuse with the Tab Bar Item -> Selected Image
In the new Xcode 8 you can do in Storyboard without needing to defined the runtime attributes as is suggested in the high pointed answer.
Don't forget that image should have this size:
Here is complete solution for selected/unselected image in Tabbar For XCode >= 8: