I have the following table template that is rendered through knockout:
<table class="gv" data-bind="visible: products().length > 0">
<tbody data-bind="foreach: products">
<tr data-bind="click: $root.selectProduct">
<td data-bind="text: type"></td>
<td data-bind="text: name"></td>
Now I want to make the rows clickable and want to assign a css class if a row is selected. Only 1 (!) row could be selected at a time, so others have to be unchecked.
The simplest way would be to extend my model (product class) with a selected property but this would destroy my 1:1 mapping with the server side.
How should I solve this issue? How would you handle this?
You could add a hidden radio button group to the table, and when the row is selected calling
the radio button is selected.This ensures that only one row is selected.
Alternatively you could write a custom binding using the jQuery
to specify the selected row.I created a jsfiddle for myself and you, since the answered one doesn't actually work
The key is a combination of using an observable for the selected item and utilizing knockout's automatic binding of the current item for click events:
and the html:
This was my final solution now, no extra hidden radio buttons:
And the selectedProduct implementation within the ViewModel: