I'm having some problems with DATE_FORMAT inside a createQueryBuilder
My code:
$qb7Days = $repo->createQueryBuilder('R')
->select( 'R.createdAt' )
->where( "DATE_FORMAT(R.createdAt, '%Y-%m-%d') = :afterDays" )
->andWhere( 'R.cCurrentReviewState = :state' )
->andWhere( 'R.reminder = :reminder' )
->setParameter( 'afterDays', $after7Days )
->setParameter( 'state', $oReviewStateNotVerified ) // not_verified
->setParameter( 'reminder', 0 ) // never sent any reminder
->orderBy( 'R.id', 'ASC' )
But im getting
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 7: Error: Expected known function, got 'DATE_FORMAT'
I've searched some links and find some explain that it should work this way, but for me it looks like im doing something wrong.
along with a bunch of Mysql function are not directly available in Doctrine.To use them you can either create your own or add an extension like
and then add the respective function to your doctrine bundle config likeDATE_FORMAT is not a doctrine recognised function. That link that you pasted is custom code the author wrote for him to get date_formate. You can write custom functions in doctrine and register them , neat ey ?
Here is an example of how to do that - http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/custom_dql_functions.html
Option 1: You write that custom function for DATE_FORMAT so that you can use it again and again. Option 2: Maybe reformat the date in PHP to match the date format in the database , kinda like
I am not sure but this is correct for me only:
DATE_FORMAT is not string function, its date_function: