I have a 2D numpy array of shape (N,2) which is holding N points (x and y coordinates). For example:
array([[3, 2],
[6, 2],
[3, 6],
[3, 4],
[5, 3]])
I'd like to sort it such that my points are ordered by x-coordinate, and then by y in cases where the x coordinate is the same. So the array above should look like this:
array([[3, 2],
[3, 4],
[3, 6],
[5, 3],
[6, 2]])
If this was a normal Python list, I would simply define a comparator to do what I want, but as far as I can tell, numpy's sort function doesn't accept user-defined comparators. Any ideas?
EDIT: Thanks for the ideas! I set up a quick test case with 1000000 random integer points, and benchmarked the ones that I could run (sorry, can't upgrade numpy at the moment).
Mine: 4.078 secs
mtrw: 7.046 secs
unutbu: 0.453 secs
You can use
. This has the side effect of changing your data to floating point, I hope that's not a problem: