I would like to use some custom CSS and images on my custom 404/500 pages that I made. Django doesn't include the STATIC_URL variable in those pages though. What would be the best way to accomplish this? I also tried making a custom 404/500 view and rendering an arbitrary HTML file but it didn't work out so great.
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I believe you're just going to have to override the default 404/500 error handling. This should get you started:
Here's how I would do it:
It's worth mentioning the reason Django doesn't do this by default:
I run into the same problem and found a solution which doesn't need custom templates or handlers. From Django 1.4 on you can use the tags get_media_prefix and get_static_prefix to access MEDIA_URL and STATIC_URL when they are not in the context.
In my particular case (Django 1.5), I wanted to access some static images in my page 500.html. I just added at the beginning of the template
and then obtained the media and static urls with these tags
You can find the official documentation here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/ref/templates/builtins/#get-static-prefix