I'm attempting to sign in users with the LinkedIn Omniauth 2 gem. I have tried a few different possibilities for the redirect, read several articles and nothing is working.
I'm trying to test this locally. Rails 4 app
Gems include: omniauth omniauth-linkedin-oath2
A few attempts of the redirect URL to put in the box includ:
= API Key that needs to stay private
http://localhost:3000 http://localhost:3000/ http://www.localhost:3000 https://localhost:3000 https://localhost:3000/ https://www.localhost:3000
I read both of these articles the entire way through, but still couldn't attempt to find the correct way to redirect it.
Any help in what I need to change would be great.
They need to match exactly what you are sending:
I was having a similar issue and kept getting "Invalid redirect_uri. This value must match a URL registered with the API Key." error when using Auth0
I added URL below to LinkedIn's list of allowed callback then it worked.
In case of Linkedin Authorized Redirect URLs should be in form of:
After authentication if you want to redirect to a specific page then