I want to port this c# permission module to java, but I am confused how I can do this when I can't save the numeric value in the database and then cast it to the enumeration representation.
In c#, I create a enum like this:
public enum ArticlePermission
CanRead = 1,
CanWrite = 2,
CanDelete = 4,
CanMove = 16
I then can create a permission set like:
ArticlePermission johnsArticlePermission = ArticlePermission.CanRead | ArticlePermission.CanMove;
I then save this into the database using:
Now I can read it from the database as an integer/long, and cast it like:
johnsArticlePermission = (ArticlePermission) dr["articlePermissions"];
And I can check permissions like:
if(johnsArticlePermission & ArticlePermission.CanRead == ArticlePermission.CanRead)
How can I do this in java? From what I understand, in java, you can convert the enumeration into a numeric value, and then convert it back to a java enumeration.
What you really need here is an EnumSet, described in the API like this:
Here is a good overview of EnumSet, and another: Playing with EnumSet.
An enum is a class under the hood so you can add methods to it. For example,
will give you aList
objects from an integer value, presumably created by ORing the value ofArticlePermission