I want to apply or 'bake' a transformation of several paths in Raphael JS 2, so that I can then combine them into one single path.
Here is an example path, where I would like the "transform" attribute to be applied to all the "d" coordinates.
<path style="" fill="#000000" stroke="none" d="M150,-265C182,-275,171,-220,180,-194L178,-194C181,-192,180,-185,181,-180C211,-169,282,-173,306,-166C308,-169,316,-171,315,-165C268,-157,225,-148,184,-137C188,-118,186,-96,190,-79L282,-131C289,-131,296,-135,297,-126C293,-118,271,-105,236,-80C190,-48,155,-20,125,-6C112,-15,115,-34,111,-51C121,-70,108,-107,107,-133C70,-132,-5,-126,0,-157C18,-170,39,-181,64,-191C75,-190,92,-181,100,-185C99,-198,95,-211,89,-225Z" transform="matrix(0.1389, 0, 0, 0.1389, 291.91, 235.465)" stroke-width="7.199999999999999">
I understand that the svg-edit framework can convert path coordinates to absolute positions, and remove the transform matrix in the process.
Some related questions, which I couldn't get my answer from:
Here's a jsFiddle that applies all the transforms for you: http://jsfiddle.net/ecmanaut/cFSjt/
It's possible that Raphael exposes some or all of the tools I've filled in myself, but if not, these do the trick nicely. If your needs cover more non-path elements too (like groups, rects, circles, ellipses, and so on), first convert them to path elements (using pathify, for instance).
A partial solution can be found in this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/X6YNm/1/
It creates a new path, based on each character in the original set. However, the fiddle does not correctly space the characters.
Some related discussion on the raphael google group: Some google group discussion here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/raphaeljs/OP29oelR5Eg/zPi5m6rjsvIJ