I am creating an Azure function that triggers when an image is uploaded or added to a particular Azure Storage, and it does the following: 1.) Resize the image 2.) Put the image to correct directory (using Output binding) 3.) Delete the original blob image that was added to Azure Storage after processing.
I am done with steps 1 and 2 in the process, but I'm finding less to no documentation about deleting a blob or an API that would expose methods for Azure Storage. (Using C#)
Here's the sample code:
#r "System.Drawing"
using System;
using ImageResizer;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
public static void Run(Stream inputImage, string imageName, Stream resizedImage, TraceWriter log)
// Log the file name and size
log.Info($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{imageName} \n Size: {inputImage.Length} Bytes");
// Manipulate the image
var settings = new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings
MaxWidth = 400,
Format = "png"
ImageResizer.ImageBuilder.Current.Build(inputImage, resizedImage, settings);
// Delete the Raw Original Image Step
To delete a blob, you need to
Make sure that your close all streams before you try this so the image is no longer in use.
Be sure to have the right references imported:
Then you can use CloudBlockBlob as the parameter type and delete it:
You can use several input types to your function when you use C#, here's the webjobs sdk cheat sheet detailing most of the available ones.
In your case, you could request your input image as a
, which has a delete method. You can call this inside the resizing function or in a separately triggered function to delete the completed blobs. You may need to change your bindingdirection
, see here.There's no binding to do automatic cleanup at present.