The problem:
N points are given on a 2-dimensional plane. What is the maximum number of points on the same straight line?
The problem has O(N2) solution: go through each point and find the number of points which have the same dx / dy
with relation to the current point. Store dx / dy
relations in a hash map for efficiency.
Is there a better solution to this problem than O(N2)?
As already mentioned, there probably isn't a way to solve the general case of this problem better than O(n^2). However, if you assume a large number of points lie on the same line (say the probability that a random point in the set of points lie on the line with the maximum number of points is p) and don't need an exact algorithm, a randomized algorithm is more efficient.
Note that in the first step, if you picked 2 points which lies on the line with the maximum number of points, you'll get the optimal solution. Assuming n is very large (i.e. we can treat the probability of finding 2 desirable points as sampling with replacement), the probability of this happening is p^2. Therefore the probability of finding a suboptimal solution after k iterations is (1 - p^2)^k.
Suppose you can tolerate a false negative rate rate = err. Then this algorithm runs in O(nk) = O(n * log(err) / log(1 - p^2)). If both n and p are large enough, this is significantly more efficient than O(n^2). (i.e. Supposed n = 1,000,000 and you know there are at least 10,000 points that lie on the same line. Then n^2 would required on the magnitude of 10^12 operations, while randomized algorithm would require on the magnitude of 10^9 operations to get a error rate of less than 5*10^-5.)