I have enum say ErrorCodes that
public enum ErrorCodes {
private int errorCode;
private ErrorCodes(int error){
this.errorCode = error;
} //setter and getter and other codes
now I check my exception error codes with this error codes. I don't want to write if this do this, if this do this. How I can solve this problem (writing 10+ if blocks)
Is there any design patter to that situation ?
In my opinion there is nothing wrong with ErrorCodes as enums and a switch statement to dispatch error handling. Enums and switch fit together really well.
However, maybe you find the following insteresting (kind of over-design), see an Example or "Double dispatching" on Wikipedia. Assumed requirements:
The code:
As pointed out by Spoike, using polymorphism to pick the right error handling method is an option. This approach basically defers the 10+ if blocks to the JVM's virtual method lookup, by defining a class hierarchy.
But before going for a full-blown class hierarchy, also consider using
methods. This option works well if what you plan to do in each case is fairly similar.For example, if you want to return a different error message for each
, you can simply do this:Then your error handling code becomes just:
One drawback of this approach is that if you want to add additional cases, you'll need to modify the enum itself, whereas with a class hierarchy you can add new cases without modifying existing code.
Java enums are very powerful and allow per-instance method implementations:
Then you can simply call
. However, it is questionable whether an ErrorCode enum is really the right place for that logic.Either you do it with a if-statement or a switch, or you just implement the logic in question into the ErrorCode somehow.
In an OO fashion it all depends on how you want the application or system react to the error code. Lets say you just want it to output somekind of dialog:
We could instead create an ErrorHandler class that does this instead:
The former solution is easy to implement, but becomes difficult to maintain as the code grows larger. The latter solution is more complex, (aka. Template Method pattern following the Open-Closed Principle) but enables you to add more methods into the
when you need it (such as restoring resources or whatever). You can also implement this with the Strategy pattern.You won't get away completely with the conditional statements, but in the latter the conditional is pushed to the part of the code where the error is originated. That way you won't have double maintenance on conditional statements both at the originator and the error handling code.
See this answer by Michael Borgwardt and this answer by oksayt for how to implement methods on Java Enums if you want to do that instead.
I believe the best you can do is implementing the strategy pattern. This way you won't have to change existing classes when adding new enums but will still be able to extend them. (Open-Closed-Principle).
Search for Strategy Pattern and Open Closed Principle.
You can create a map of error codes(Integer) against enum types
In this solution, once the map is prepared, you can look up an error code in the map and thus will not require if..else look ups.
Now when you want to check an error code coming from your aplpication, all you need to do is,
Thus removing the need for all the if..else.
You just need to set up the map in a way that adding error codes doesn't require changes in other code. Preparation of the map is one time activity and can be linked to a database, property file etc during the initialization of your application