Here are the stats for my program after it used memory extremely intensively, consuming 6 GB at its peak, but then saving everything to disk and leaving very little in scope:
Observe that almost everything has gone out of scope and has been garbage collected - the heap sizes are tiny. And yet, .NET keeps 181 MB committed.
I don't mind the reserved bytes, since that only consumes address space. But the committed memory is annoying – even if it only resides in the page file, it's still quite a lot.
According to CLR Inside Out - Large Object Heap Uncovered the CLR decommits un-used committed memory during a Gen 2 garbage collection.
This means that you can either wait for a Gen 2 garbage collection to happen on its own or you can force one using
- you really need to know what you are doing if you choose this route however as it messes with the garbage collectors standard garbage collection cycles which can really mess with performance:As far as I am aware (from my fairly limited research) the CLR won't release committed memory in other situations.
You should also consider whether or not this is actually a problem:
Update: Advanced .NET Debugging: Managed Heap and Garbage Collection appears to back up the hypothesis that memory is only uncommitted during a gen 2 / full collection: