I've taken a look at the basic websocket capabilities in Dart, using this simple example: https://github.com/financeCoding/chat-websocket-dart
But I was wondering if there's a nice library I could use to build a realtime online game using websockets. I've had experience in this using node.js with socket.io, which worked out quite well. I need to be able to have "rooms", join rooms, leave rooms, broadcast to clients in a room, etc. as well as some nice notion of connection "health", reconnection etc. So what I'm asking is if there's a nice library for dart that has similar functionality? Even cooler would be a library on top of that library that could enable nice RPC functionality with variable syncing etc. such as http://nowjs.com/ which achieves this using socket.io. But I guess that might be too ambitious.
If anyone's had any experience or found a project which is similar to what I'm talking about, let me know :)
Sorry, at the time of this writing, I'm not aware of a socket.io port for Dart. socket.io is nice because it has a bunch of implementation options for browsers that don't support Web sockets.
Sounds like a good idea for a hackathon project!
Duct is clone of Socket.IO in Dart which aims to be protocol-level compatible with the original implementation.