I need to patch the standard User model of contrib.auth
by ensuring the email field entry is unique:
User._meta.fields[4].unique = True
Where is best place in code to do that?
I want to avoid using the number fields[4]. It's better to user fields['email'], but fields is not dictionary, only list.
Another idea may be to open a new ticket and upload a patch with new parameter inside settings.py
Any suggestions on the most correct way to achieve email address uniqueness in the Django User model?
What about using
in a "different" way? So far it works for me.Django does not allow direct editing User object but you can add pre_save signal and achieve unique email. for create signals u can follow https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/signals/. then add the following to your signals.py
Simply use below code in models.py of any app
Add the below function in any of the models.py file. Then run makemigrations and migrate. Tested on Django1.7
To ensure a User, no matter where, be saved with a unique email, add this to your models:
Note that this ensures non-blank email too. However, this doesn't do forms validation as would be appropriated, just raises an exception.
The first answer here is working for me when I'm creating new users, but it fails when I try to edit a user, since I am excluding the username from the view. Is there a simple edit for this that will make the check independent of the username field?
I also tried including the username field as a hidden field (since I don't want people to edit it), but that failed too because django was checking for duplicate usernames in the system.
(sorry this is posted as an answer, but I lack the creds to post it as a comment. Not sure I understand Stackoverflow's logic on that.)