I was able to successfully set up zookeeper and one kafka broker yesterday. Everything worked as expected. I shut down kafka (ctrl + c) and then zookeeper.
Today I started zookeeper and when I started kafka (bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server0.properties
), I get the following error. I tried various remedies suggested (removing completely my kafka installation and doing it again from scratch). Still I get same error.
[2016-09-28 16:15:55,895] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStartable startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable)
java.lang.RuntimeException: A broker is already registered on the path /brokers/ids/0. This probably indicates that you either have configured a brokerid that is already in use, or else you have shutdown this broker and restarted it faster than the zookeeper timeout so it appears to be re-registering.
at kafka.utils.ZkUtils.registerBrokerInZk(ZkUtils.scala:305)
at kafka.utils.ZkUtils.registerBrokerInZk(ZkUtils.scala:291)
at kafka.server.KafkaHealthcheck.register(KafkaHealthcheck.scala:70)
at kafka.server.KafkaHealthcheck.startup(KafkaHealthcheck.scala:51)
at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:244)
at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable.startup(KafkaServerStartable.scala:37)
at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:67)
at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
[2016-09-28 16:15:55,896] INFO [Kafka Server 0], shutting down (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
All set up in mac
I came across the same issue and there are 2 ways to go about it