What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and

2018-12-31 00:17发布

In C++03, an expression is either an rvalue or an lvalue.

In C++11, an expression can be an:

  1. rvalue
  2. lvalue
  3. xvalue
  4. glvalue
  5. prvalue

Two categories have become five categories.

  • What are these new categories of expressions?
  • How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lvalue categories?
  • Are the rvalue and lvalue categories in C++0x the same as they are in C++03?
  • Why are these new categories needed? Are the WG21 gods just trying to confuse us mere mortals?

2楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:32

C++03's categories are too restricted to capture the introduction of rvalue references correctly into expression attributes.

With the introduction of them, it was said that an unnamed rvalue reference evaluates to an rvalue, such that overload resolution would prefer rvalue reference bindings, which would make it select move constructors over copy constructors. But it was found that this causes problems all around, for example with Dynamic Types and with qualifications.

To show this, consider

int const&& f();

int main() {
  int &&i = f(); // disgusting!

On pre-xvalue drafts, this was allowed, because in C++03, rvalues of non-class types are never cv-qualified. But it is intended that const applies in the rvalue-reference case, because here we do refer to objects (= memory!), and dropping const from non-class rvalues is mainly for the reason that there is no object around.

The issue for dynamic types is of similar nature. In C++03, rvalues of class type have a known dynamic type - it's the static type of that expression. Because to have it another way, you need references or dereferences, which evaluate to an lvalue. That isn't true with unnamed rvalue references, yet they can show polymorphic behavior. So to solve it,

  • unnamed rvalue references become xvalues. They can be qualified and potentially have their dynamic type different. They do, like intended, prefer rvalue references during overloading, and won't bind to non-const lvalue references.

  • What previously was an rvalue (literals, objects created by casts to non-reference types) now becomes an prvalue. They have the same preference as xvalues during overloading.

  • What previously was an lvalue stays an lvalue.

And two groupings are done to capture those that can be qualified and can have different dynamic types (glvalues) and those where overloading prefers rvalue reference binding (rvalues).

3楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:32

How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lvalue categories?

A C++03 lvalue is still a C++11 lvalue, whereas a C++03 rvalue is called a prvalue in C++11.

4楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:38

IMHO, the best explanation about its meaning gave us Stroustrup + take into account examples of Dániel Sándor and Mohan:


Now I was seriously worried. Clearly we were headed for an impasse or a mess or both. I spent the lunchtime doing an analysis to see which of the properties (of values) were independent. There were only two independent properties:

  • has identity – i.e. and address, a pointer, the user can determine whether two copies are identical, etc.
  • can be moved from – i.e. we are allowed to leave to source of a "copy" in some indeterminate, but valid state

This led me to the conclusion that there are exactly three kinds of values (using the regex notational trick of using a capital letter to indicate a negative – I was in a hurry):

  • iM: has identity and cannot be moved from
  • im: has identity and can be moved from (e.g. the result of casting an lvalue to a rvalue reference)
  • Im: does not have identity and can be moved from The fourth possibility (IM: doesn’t have identity and cannot be moved) is not useful in C++ (or, I think) in any other language.

In addition to these three fundamental classifications of values, we have two obvious generalizations that correspond to the two independent properties:

  • i: has identity
  • m: can be moved from

This led me to put this diagram on the board: enter image description here


I observed that we had only limited freedom to name: The two points to the left (labeled iM and i) are what people with more or less formality have called lvalues and the two points on the right (labeled m and Im) are what people with more or less formality have called rvalues. This must be reflected in our naming. That is, the left "leg" of the W should have names related to lvalue and the right "leg" of the W should have names related to rvalue. I note that this whole discussion/problem arise from the introduction of rvalue references and move semantics. These notions simply don’t exist in Strachey’s world consisting of just rvalues and lvalues. Someone observed that the ideas that

  • Every value is either an lvalue or an rvalue
  • An lvalue is not an rvalue and an rvalue is not an lvalue

are deeply embedded in our consciousness, very useful properties, and traces of this dichotomy can be found all over the draft standard. We all agreed that we ought to preserve those properties (and make them precise). This further constrained our naming choices. I observed that the standard library wording uses rvalue to mean m (the generalization), so that to preserve the expectation and text of the standard library the right-hand bottom point of the W should be named rvalue.

This led to a focused discussion of naming. First, we needed to decide on lvalue. Should lvalue mean iM or the generalization i? Led by Doug Gregor, we listed the places in the core language wording where the word lvalue was qualified to mean the one or the other. A list was made and in most cases and in the most tricky/brittle text lvalue currently means iM. This is the classical meaning of lvalue because "in the old days" nothing was moved; move is a novel notion in C++0x. Also, naming the topleft point of the W lvalue gives us the property that every value is an lvalue or an rvalue, but not both.

So, the top left point of the W is lvalue and the bottom right point is rvalue. What does that make the bottom left and top right points? The bottom left point is a generalization of the classical lvalue, allowing for move. So it is a generalized lvalue. We named it glvalue. You can quibble about the abbreviation, but (I think) not with the logic. We assumed that in serious use generalized lvalue would somehow be abbreviated anyway, so we had better do it immediately (or risk confusion). The top right point of the W is less general than the bottom right (now, as ever, called rvalue). That point represent the original pure notion of an object you can move from because it cannot be referred to again (except by a destructor). I liked the phrase specialized rvalue in contrast to generalized lvalue but pure rvalue abbreviated to prvalue won out (and probably rightly so). So, the left leg of the W is lvalue and glvalue and the right leg is prvalue and rvalue. Incidentally, every value is either a glvalue or a prvalue, but not both.

This leaves the top middle of the W: im; that is, values that have identity and can be moved. We really don’t have anything that guides us to a good name for those esoteric beasts. They are important to people working with the (draft) standard text, but are unlikely to become a household name. We didn’t find any real constraints on the naming to guide us, so we picked ‘x’ for the center, the unknown, the strange, the xpert only, or even x-rated.

Steve showing off the final product

5楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:42

I'll start with your last question:

Why are these new categories needed?

The C++ standard contains many rules that deal with the value category of an expression. Some rules make a distinction between lvalue and rvalue. For example, when it comes to overload resolution. Other rules make a distinction between glvalue and prvalue. For example, you can have a glvalue with an incomplete or abstract type but there is no prvalue with an incomplete or abstract type. Before we had this terminology the rules that actually need to distinguish between glvalue/prvalue referred to lvalue/rvalue and they were either unintentionally wrong or contained lots of explaining and exceptions to the rule a la "...unless the rvalue is due to unnamed rvalue reference...". So, it seems like a good idea to just give the concepts of glvalues and prvalues their own name.

What are these new categories of expressions? How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lvalue categories?

We still have the terms lvalue and rvalue that are compatible with C++98. We just divided the rvalues into two subgroups, xvalues and prvalues, and we refer to lvalues and xvalues as glvalues. Xvalues are a new kind of value category for unnamed rvalue references. Every expression is one of these three: lvalue, xvalue, prvalue. A Venn diagram would look like this:

    ______ ______
   /      X      \
  /      / \      \
 |   l  | x |  pr  |
  \      \ /      /
       gl    r

Examples with functions:

int   prvalue();
int&  lvalue();
int&& xvalue();

But also don't forget that named rvalue references are lvalues:

void foo(int&& t) {
  // t is initialized with an rvalue expression
  // but is actually an lvalue expression itself
6楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:43

I guess this document might serve as a not so short introduction : n3055

The whole massacre began with the move semantics. Once we have expressions that can be moved and not copied, suddenly easy to grasp rules demanded distinction between expressions that can be moved, and in which direction.

From what I guess based on the draft, the r/l value distinction stays the same, only in the context of moving things get messy.

Are they needed? Probably not if we wish to forfeit the new features. But to allow better optimization we should probably embrace them.

Quoting n3055:

  • An lvalue (so-called, historically, because lvalues could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression) designates a function or an object. [Example: If E is an expression of pointer type, then *E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example, the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue.]
  • An xvalue (an “eXpiring” value) also refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime (so that its resources may be moved, for example). An xvalue is the result of certain kinds of expressions involving rvalue references. [Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue reference is an xvalue.]
  • A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue.
  • An rvalue (so-called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression) is an xvalue, a temporary object or subobject thereof, or a value that is not associated with an object.
  • A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue. [Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is not a reference is a prvalue]

The document in question is a great reference for this question, because it shows the exact changes in the standard that have happened as a result of the introduction of the new nomenclature.

7楼-- · 2018-12-31 00:53

What are these new categories of expressions?

The FCD (n3092) has an excellent description:

— An lvalue (so called, historically, because lvalues could appear on the left-hand side of an assignment expression) designates a function or an object. [ Example: If E is an expression of pointer type, then *E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example, the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue. —end example ]

— An xvalue (an “eXpiring” value) also refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime (so that its resources may be moved, for example). An xvalue is the result of certain kinds of expressions involving rvalue references (8.3.2). [ Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is an rvalue reference is an xvalue. —end example ]

— A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue.

— An rvalue (so called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expressions) is an xvalue, a temporary object (12.2) or subobject thereof, or a value that is not associated with an object.

— A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue. [ Example: The result of calling a function whose return type is not a reference is a prvalue. The value of a literal such as 12, 7.3e5, or true is also a prvalue. —end example ]

Every expression belongs to exactly one of the fundamental classifications in this taxonomy: lvalue, xvalue, or prvalue. This property of an expression is called its value category. [ Note: The discussion of each built-in operator in Clause 5 indicates the category of the value it yields and the value categories of the operands it expects. For example, the built-in assignment operators expect that the left operand is an lvalue and that the right operand is a prvalue and yield an lvalue as the result. User-defined operators are functions, and the categories of values they expect and yield are determined by their parameter and return types. —end note

I suggest you read the entire section 3.10 Lvalues and rvalues though.

How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lvalue categories?



Are the rvalue and lvalue categories in C++0x the same as they are in C++03?

The semantics of rvalues has evolved particularly with the introduction of move semantics.

Why are these new categories needed?

So that move construction/assignment could be defined and supported.

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