Does anyone know of a good Django equivalent of Capistrano/Webistrano?
- Django __str__ returned non-string (type NoneType)
- Django & Amazon SES SMTP. Cannot send email
- Django check user group permissions
- Django restrict pages to certain users
- UnicodeEncodeError with attach_file on EmailMessag
- Profiling Django with PyCharm
- Why doesn't Django enforce my unique_together
- MultiValueDictKeyError in Django admin
- Override env values defined in container spec
- Django/Heroku: FATAL: too many connections for rol
- Django is sooo slow? errno 32 broken pipe? dcramer
- Django: Replacement for the default ManyToMany Wid
- Upgrading transaction.commit_manually() to Django
I googled around for a simple formula, and then created my own at:
now at: I switched to jekyll. May the links not change again.
Fabric is a Python-based application deployment system. It can be used to deploy Django projects.
Capistrano (and therefore Webistrano) can be used for pretty much any deployment, so long as you use SSH. Capistrano is Rails-ready out-of-the-box but it can easily be configured to deploy PHP, Django, Java...whatever really.
Capistrano is a Ruby application so you'll need to have Ruby (and the required Gems) installed to run it.
Webistrano is a Rails application and you can run this locally or deploy it to a server if you wish.