I currently have and use Xcode 5, and while I'd like to experiment with Xcode 6, I don't want to use it for production. Can I have both of them installed on the same computer without them conflicting with each other? I couldn't find anything on this on the download page for Xcode 6.
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My Xcode 5 icon in the dock turned into a big question mark, as it appears to have been deleted with the install of Yosemite. Further, If I try to re-download it from the app store, it says my version of OS X is 'too new' and refuses to allow me to download. Next I downloaded Xcode 5.1.1 from the developer downloads, which finally allowed me to install it. They are both happily coexisting now on Yosemite.
Yes, you can have two Xcode on system but it is advised to keep latest one. While installing Xcode 6 there will be prompt 'Xcode already exists. Replace/Keep it ?'
Go with create a new copy of Xcode. This will install Xcode 6 on your system. The newly installed Xcode will be renamed as 'Xcode 6'. I'm using Xcode 5.1 and Xcode 6 on my system and there seems to be no issue.
As said before - XCode 5 and 6 can coexist together. Just want to add that you can switch between the different versions of the command line tools using the GUI also: open XCode -> Preferences -> Locations.