I am trying to open location settings from Chrome (on Android) on a button click using Android Intents. I am following the Barcode Scanner example and tried encoding the url similar way. For location I have tried this:-
const uri = "intent://com.google.android.gms.location.settings.GOOGLE_LOCATION_SETTINGS#Intent;action=com.google.android.gms.location.settings.GOOGLE_LOCATION_SETTINGS;end"
I also tried opening settings using this:-
const uri = "intent://ACTION_SETTINGS#Intent;action=android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS;end"
or this
const uri = "intent://android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS#Intent;action=android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS;end"
But nothing seems to work. Any help is appreciated.
I am attaching it to a button using href tag.
Seems you can't open Location Settings directly from Android Intents with Chrome because Settings Activities didn't support
category (for details take a look at this question of Dickeylth and answer of Rafal Malek). But You can 100% do this via custom android application and Deep Links to custom Activity with<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
support, like in that tutorial.In that case your application
code should be like:and
part forSettingsActivity
and, finally, "deep" link for
in HTML file:Seems, if you don't want to install app on user side, you can also do this in Instant Apps. Details for links to Instant App you can find here.