I'm using the doSNOW package and more specifically the parLapply function to perform reclassification (and subsequently other operations) on a list of big raster datasets (OS: Windows x64).
The code looks a little like this minimalistic example:
#create list containing test rasters
x <- raster(ncol=10980,nrow=10980)
x <- setValues(x,1:ncell(x))
list.x <- replicate( 9 , x )
#setting up cluster
NumberOfCluster <- 8
cl <- makeCluster(NumberOfCluster)
junk <- clusterEvalQ(cl,library(raster))
#perform calculations on each raster
list.x <- parLapply(cl,list.x,function(x) calc(x,function(x) { x * 10 }))
#stop cluster
The code actually works as intended. The problem occurs when I want to proceed with the results. I'm receiving this error message:
> plot(list.x[[1]])
Error in file(fn, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(fn, "rb") :
cannot open file 'C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpyKYdpY\raster\r_tmp_2016-02-29_133158_752_67867.gri': No such file or directory
As far as I understood, since the rasters are quite big, they are saved in a temp file on disk. And when I'm closing the snow cluster, these files can't be accessed anymore.
So my question is, how can I access the data once the cluster is closed? Can I proceed using this method?
I had this exact problem while running the rasterize fucntion inside a cluster in R.
All tests worked perfectly but when I upscaled to very large and fine resolution rasters, I repeatedly got errors regarding temp files that I couldn't even find on my computer. The list object, which I needed to merge and write as 1 raster, was in R but I could do nothing with it.
After watching the temp file directory whilst the cluster was running I noticed that closing the cluster will auto-delete all temp files created, so I had to perform the merge and writeRaster functions inside the cluster, otherwise it would fail on a very similar error to yours.
You could pass specific filenames to
(or, e.g.,reclassify
), and have your function return those filenames as a vector to be read into a stack:But also look at
- I suspect it will work withreclassify
. From the docs: