Say I have a source and destination class that is mapped using AutoMapper. The destination has a logger service injected into the constructor.
However, I don't know how to get the service injected into the constructor through StructureMap?
I've tried the following:
Mapper.Initialize(m =>
which didn't prevent me having the exception on the mapping call, I guess because the service isn't being injected in properly.
I also tried the following:
CreateMap<Source, Dest>()
.ConstructUsing(x=> ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ILoggerService>());
But I get the error: cannot convert Lamda expression to delegate type, yet all the examples I have seen use this method?
You can also do this:
The lambda you pass into ConstructUsing must return an instance of the destination type. So in your case, you would want to do this:
Assuming you have StructureMap setup correctly, it should create the Dest object and inject the ILoggerService for you.