I have this example data:
Country | Members | Joined
USA | 250 | 1/1/2012
USA | 100 | 1/8/2012
Russia | 75 | 1/20/2012
USA | 150 | 2/10/2012
When I query this data I would like to aggregate all the records in a given month. The result of the query would look like:
Country | Members | Joined
USA | 350 | 1/2012
Russia | 75 | 1/2012
USA | 150 | 2/2012
As a select that is simple enough:
select country, count(*) as members , to_char(trunc(joined), 'MM-YYYY')
from table
group by country, to_char(trunc(joined), 'MM-YYYY')
That query will give me data in the format I want, however my issue is that when I go to insert that into a new pivot table I get an error because the to_char() in the select statement is being placed into a DATETIME column (error: ORA-01843 - not a valid month)
When I change the to_char() in the select to to_date() , it still doesn't work (same error, ORA-01843 - not a valid month):
select country, count(*) as members, to_date(trunc(joined), 'MM-YYYY')
from table
group by country, to_date(trunc(joined), 'MM-YYYY')
Any suggestions on how to modify this query in such a way that I can insert the result into a new table whose "JOINED" column is of type DATETIME?
thanks in advance for any tips/suggestions/comments!
You should be using the
function to truncate the date to the first of the month. That eliminates the conversion of the date to a string and the need to convert the string back to a date.You can do something like
to_date('01/'||trunc(joined), 'DD/MM/YYYY')
, which would turn it into a valid date first. You just need to decide whether to use the first or last day of the month (last is more complicated)Another option is to use the EXTRACT function:
and then from that, you could just select the dt column and insert it