Is it possible to define a simple syntactic notion of equality (similar to what GHC might automatically derive as the Eq
instance for a Haskell 98 type), without either explicitly proving that each data constructor is injective, or doing something analogous, such as defining the retraction of each constructor and using cong
In other words, is it possible to exploit the injectivity of data constructors more directly, rather than having to introduce one auxiliary function per constructor?
The following uses the natural numbers as an example.
module Eq where
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
suc : ℕ → ℕ
-- How to eliminate these injectivity proofs?
suc-injective : ∀ {n m} → suc n ≡ suc m → n ≡ m
suc-injective refl = refl
_≟_ : Decidable {A = ℕ} _≡_
zero ≟ suc _ = no (λ ())
suc _ ≟ zero = no (λ ())
zero ≟ zero = yes refl
suc n ≟ suc m with n ≟ m
suc n ≟ suc .n | yes refl = yes refl
... | no n≢m = no (n≢m ∘ suc-injective)
One could replace suc-injective
by cong (λ { zero → zero ; (suc x) → x })
, i.e. by defining a function which inverts suc
, but that still requires boilerplate of one auxiliary function per constructor, and such functions are somewhat ugly to define because of the need to be total.
(Usual caveats re. missing something obvious apply.)
Ulf Norell's prelude for Agda contains a mechanism for automatically deriving decidable equality for a given datatype. The code is based on Agda's reflection mechanism and automatically generated extended lambdas for proving injectivity of constructors. I recommend taking a look at the code, even though it's not always as simple as it could be.