How do I declare an array of weak references in Sw

2019-01-07 03:55发布

I'd like to store an array of weak references in Swift. The array itself should not be a weak reference - its elements should be. I think Cocoa NSPointerArray offers a non-typesafe version of this.

2楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:14

Since NSPointerArray already handles most of this automatically, I solved the problem by making a type-safe wrapper for it, which avoids a lot of the boilerplate in other answers:

class WeakArray<T: AnyObject> {
    private let pointers = NSPointerArray.weakObjects()

    init (_ elements: T...) {

    func get (_ index: Int) -> T? {
        if index < self.pointers.count, let pointer = self.pointers.pointer(at: 0) {
            return Unmanaged<T>.fromOpaque(pointer).takeUnretainedValue()
        } else {
            return nil
    func append (_ element: T) {
    func forEach (_ callback: (T) -> ()) {
        for i in 0..<self.pointers.count {
            if let element = self.get(i) {
    // implement other functionality as needed

Example usage:

class Foo {}
var foo: Foo? = Foo()
let array = WeakArray(foo!)
print(array.get(0)) // Optional(Foo)
foo = nil
DispatchQueue.main.async{print(array.get(0))} // nil

It's more work up front, but the usage in the rest of your code is much cleaner IMO. If you want to make it more array-like, you can even implement subscripting, make it a SequenceType, etc. (but my project only needs append and forEach so I don't have the exact code on hand).

3楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:15

You can use the NSHashTable with weakObjectsHashTable. NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()

For Swift 3: NSHashTable.weakObjects()

NSHashTable Class Reference

Available in OS X v10.5 and later.

Available in iOS 6.0 and later.

4楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:21

The existing example of the WeakContainer is helpful, but it doesn't really help one use weak references in existing swift containers such as Lists and Dictionaries.

If you want to use List methods such as contains, then the WeakContainer will need to implement Equatable. So I added the code to allow the WeakContainer to be equatable.

In case you wanted to use the WeakContainer in dictionaries, I also made it hashable so it can be used as dictionary keys.

I also renamed it to WeakObject to stress that this is only for class types and to differentiate it from the WeakContainer examples:

struct WeakObject<TYPE where TYPE:AnyObject> : Equatable, Hashable
    weak var _value : TYPE?
    let _originalHashValue : Int

    init (value: TYPE)
        _value = value

        // We keep around the original hash value so that we can return it to represent this
        // object even if the value became Nil out from under us because the object went away.
        _originalHashValue = ObjectIdentifier(value).hashValue

    var value : TYPE?
        return _value

    var hashValue: Int
        return _originalHashValue

func ==<T>(lhs: WeakObject<T>, rhs: WeakObject<T>) -> Bool
    if lhs.value == nil  &&  rhs.value == nil {
        return true
    else if lhs.value == nil  ||  rhs.value == nil {
        return false

    // If the objects are the same, then we are good to go
    return lhs.value! === rhs.value!

This allows you to do some cool stuff like use a Dictionary of weak references:

private var m_observerDict : Dictionary<WeakObject<AnyObject>,FLObservationBlock> = Dictionary()

func addObserver( observer:AnyObject, block:FLObservationBlock )
    let weakObserver = WeakObject(value:observer)
    m_observerDict[weakObserver] = block

func removeObserver( observer:AnyObject )
    let weakObserver = WeakObject(value:observer)
5楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:21

You could create wrapper around Array. Or use this library let array = WeakPointerArray<AnyObject>() It is type safe.

6楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:29

This is not my solution. I found it on the Apple Developer Forums.

@GoZoner has a good answer, but it crashes the Swift compiler.

Here's a version of a weak-object container doesn't crash the current released compiler.

struct WeakContainer<T where T: AnyObject> {
    weak var _value : T?

    init (value: T) {
        _value = value

    func get() -> T? {
        return _value

You can then create an array of these containers:

let myArray: Array<WeakContainer<MyClass>> = [myObject1, myObject2]
7楼-- · 2019-01-07 04:29

I had the same idea to create weak container with generics.
As result I created wrapper for NSHashTable:

class WeakSet<ObjectType>: SequenceType {

    var count: Int {
        return weakStorage.count

    private let weakStorage = NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()

    func addObject(object: ObjectType) {
        guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
        weakStorage.addObject(object as? AnyObject)

    func removeObject(object: ObjectType) {
        guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
        weakStorage.removeObject(object as? AnyObject)

    func removeAllObjects() {

    func containsObject(object: ObjectType) -> Bool {
        guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
        return weakStorage.containsObject(object as? AnyObject)

    func generate() -> AnyGenerator<ObjectType> {
        let enumerator = weakStorage.objectEnumerator()
        return anyGenerator {
            return enumerator.nextObject() as! ObjectType?


protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject {
    func doWork()

class MyClass: AnyObject, MyDelegate {
    fun doWork() {
        // Do delegated work.

var delegates = WeakSet<MyDelegate>()

for delegate in delegates {

It's not the best solution, because WeakSet can be initialized with any type, and if this type doesn't conform to AnyObject protocol then app will crash with detailed reason. But I don't see any better solution right now.

Original solution was to define WeakSet in this way:

class WeakSet<ObjectType: AnyObject>: SequenceType {}

But in this case WeakSet can't be initialized with protocol:

protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject {
    func doWork()

let weakSet = WeakSet<MyDelegate>()

Currently above code can't be compiled (Swift 2.1, Xcode 7.1).
That's why I dropped conforming to AnyObject and added additional guards with fatalError() assertions.

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