Is there any way that I could limit the size of the stdout.log
file in Apache Tomcat? When running as a service system.out
statements go to the stdout file. But I need to have a mechanism where I can control the size of the stdout log file by creating new files after reaching 2GB size or something like that. As of now a new file is created everyday but that is not sufficient.
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In Windows you can go to go to
Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat6.0\bin
and runtomcat6w.exe
as administrator Under the Java tab, in the Java Options section add the following:-Djava.util.logging.FileHandler.limit=25000000
This will set the default
file to25MBs
before it rotates to a new log file.If you wanted the limit to be 10 megs, you'd use the following conventions
With log4j:
With JUL: