I'm working on a table design that could involve many NULL values in about 10 fields maybe 75% of the time the fields would be unused.
I just generated some fake data (a million records) and could not sense any impact on SQL Server 2005. Size difference was in the KB. Performance - no measurable difference after adding an index to the 3 non-nullable columns.
I know SQL Server 2008 has the sparse columns feature (which I assume is going to be used on the next SharePoint's UserData table). I want my code to work on 2005 though. But lots of NULL values exist in the design of the current SharePoint UserData table. So if its good enough for Microsoft...
Any good articles, links, white papers on the drawbacks or pain points around many NULL values in SQL Server table? Anyone have any experience on what happens as you scale to 10 mil or 100 mil records?
There's only one way to be sure. Go ahead and insert 100 million records then measure the end-to-end performance.