Is there a way to refresh only the Detail DataSet without reloading all master dataset?
this is what I've tried so far:
I have also tried:
But the method above refreshes the entire Master dataset, not just the current record.
Now, the following code seems to do anything:
Is there a workaround or a proper way to do what I want? (maybe an interposer...)
Additional Info:
ClientDataSet1 = Master Dataset
ClientDataSet2 = Detail DataSet , is the following: *
object ClientDataSet2: TClientDataSet
Aggregates = <>
DataSetField = ClientDataSet1ADOQuery2
FetchOnDemand = False
Provider properties:
object DataSetProvider1: TDataSetProvider
DataSet = ADOQuery1
Options = [poFetchDetailsOnDemand]
UpdateMode = upWhereKeyOnly
Left = 24
Top = 104
Googling finds numerous articles that say that it isn't possible at all with nested ClientDataSets without closing and re-opening the master CDS, which the OP doesn't want to do in this case. However ...
The short answer to the q is yes, in the reasonably simple case I've tested, and it's quite straightforward, if a bit long-winded; getting the necessary steps right took a while to figure out.
The code is below and includes comments explaining how it works and a few potential problems and how it avoids or works around them. I have only tested it with TAdoQueries feeding the CDSs' Provider.
When I started looking into all this, it soon became apparent that with the usual master + detail set-up, although Providers + CDSs are happy to refresh the master data from the server, they simply will not refresh the detail records once they've been read from the server for the first time since the cdsMaster was opened. This may be by design of course.
I don't think I need to post a DFM to go with the code. I simply have AdoQueries set up in the usual master-detail way (with the detail query having the master's PK as a parameter), a DataSetProvider pointed at the master AdoQuery, a master CDS pointed at the provider, and a detail cDS pointed at the DataSetField of the cdsMaster. To experiment and see what's going on, there are DBGrids and DBNavigators for each of these datasets.
In brief, the way the code below works is to temporarily filter the AdoQuery master and the CDS masterdown to the current row and then force a refresh of their data and the dtail data for the current master row. Doing it this way, unlike any other I tried, results in the detail rows nested in the cdsMaster's DataSet field getting refreshed.
Btw, the other blind alleys I tried included with and without poFetchDetailsOnDemand set to true, ditto cdsMaster.FetchDetailsOnDemand. Evidently "FetchDetailsOnDemand" doesn't mean ReFetchDetailsOnDemand!
I ran into a problem or two getting my "solution" working, the stickiest one being described in this SO question: Refreshing a ClientDataSet nested in a DataSetField
I've verified that this works correctly with a Sql Server 2000(!) back-end, including picking up row data changes fired at the server from ISqlW. I've also verified, using Sql Server's Profiler, that the network traffic in a refresh only involves the single master row and its details.
Delphi 7 + Win7 64-bit, btw.