I need to specify the correct codepage to pack the files with zip library. As I see, I need to specify console encoding (866 in my case).
Status for device CON:
Lines: 300
Columns: 130
Keyboard rate: 31
Keyboard delay: 1
Code page: 866 <- I need to get this value in C# code
Console.OutputEncoding returns 1251, which is not what I need.
Update 1: Obviously, execute "mode" in cmd.exe and parse output should work but it seems too rude. I'm looking for .NET solution.
Update 2: The application is windows forms application, not a console app.
You need
property:which will give you a code page value (866 in your example).
The default code page for a console mode app is determined by the system locale. Control Panel + Region and Language, Administrative tab, Change System Locale. Your Windows code page is Cyrillic, so is your console code page so there's a reasonable chance that this code will work:
Do avoid writing code like this, 8-bit text encodings are a mine field. There certainly isn't any decent reason to have to run a console-mode zip program, there are plenty of .NET zip libraries available.