I am trying to create 10 element array of unique random integers. However I am unable to create array with unique values. Is there in Julia something like Pythons sample function ?
numbers = zeros(Array(Int64, 10))
rand!(1:100, numbers)
I am trying to create 10 element array of unique random integers. However I am unable to create array with unique values. Is there in Julia something like Pythons sample function ?
numbers = zeros(Array(Int64, 10))
rand!(1:100, numbers)
If performance is not an issue (i.e. the sample range isn't too large, or the sample count is close to the sample range), and if you don't want to use an additional package for whatever reason, try:
a = randperm(100)[1:10]
There is a
function in StatsBase:This will draw a sample of length 10 from 1:100 without replacement.
unique(itr[, dim])
Returns an array containing only the unique elements of the iterable itr
A set is a collection of elements, just like an array or dictionary, with no duplicated elements.