Material design makes a huge emphasis on the metaphor of "sheets of paper". To make these, shadows are essential. Since Material design is a philosophy and not an API (despite it being built into L), this should be done anywhere (Windows Forms, HTML/CSS, etc.). How do I do this in Android API 14 to 20?
Note that premade PNGs won't really be that practical for circular and other non-square shapes.
The floating action button (with shadow) can be emulated on old platforms with a simple java class.
I'm using Faiz Malkani's version here:
[Note, that to get it compatible back to Gingerbread you'll need to put some SDK version checks around the animations and transparency calls in his code.]
here is just a rough sample ...
In your layout file you may use it ...
Rendering shadows on pre-Lollipop is not easy, but possible. The trick is that a shadow is simply a black, blured shape of a view. You can do that by yourself.
Sounds lika a lot of code to write, but it works for all cases, so you can easily cover all your views.
If you're not worried about backwards compatibility past Lollipop, you can set the elevation Attribute directly in the XML
Otherwise you have to set it in Java using the support.v4.ViewCompat library.
and add this to your build.gradle,%20float)
You can use
Maybe is not the perfect solution but for me is working on what I want. So, for example this is the trick I use on my app ... on an rectangular shape and I am pleased of the result.
In xml file I use: