Is there a method to have the height depending from the width in my xml?
I have some Buttons in a linear layout. The button's widths depending from the device because they fill the screen horizontally. I want to have square buttons and this is my problem. Is there one can help me?
android:text="@string/b_0xa" />
You can do it easily programatically in your Java code.
Get the width of the button dynamically [using
int x = mButton.getWidth()
], and then use the value returned to set the height [mButton.setHeight(x)
].P.S. : It is advisable to use LayoutParams to set the height and width of any View. So, instead of using setHeight(), you should use setLayoutParams().
mButton.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(x, x));
You should change the values given to the
, by assigning fixed values to themAssigning fixed values to them makes sure that no matter the screen size, your button stays the same, since the unit used is the dp. Make sure the values you assign are the same since you want a square.
In this scenario, I would recommend using layout_weight for your height attribute, it will then assign a proportional weight to the button that will scale on different screen sizes:
In order for this approach to work, you must apply a weight to the height of other views in the layout. The total weight must equal 1, therefore you will have to play around with the layouts and weights to achieve the optimal design.
As I explained here if you want to do it 100% from XML you can use a PercentRelativeLayout and do the following:
Make sure you include the library in your app gradle file: